- The Video Game arcade (The only DDR they have here is the knock-off brand with diagonal arrows)
- The ocean (I'm in the mountains. It's cold. And not wet.)
- Barnes & Nobles (I'll have like, thirty back issues of manga to go through)
- Chicken wings (Homemade, if possible, from McKenna's if not)
- Barbecue Ribs (Homemade)
- Calzone (From Pepino's, only option)
- Pizza (Also from Pepino's)
- Slurpee (Volcano kind, which is Cherry-flavored on the bottom, Coca-Cola-flavored in the middle, and Cherry again on top)
- Beef Jerky (You'd be amazed the things you miss when you're not in America for seven months)
- Ice cream (First from Dairy Queen, then from the supermarket [Panda Paaaaaws], then from the Banana Split Republic)


Everyone seems to misunderstand that when I say what my favorite ice cream is. Also, I love Photoshop. Also also, pandas are sooooo cute.
TV Shows I Want to Watch when I Get Back to the States:
- Fringe (Tylor recommended it to me. Apparently, it's like a global version of The X-Files. Sounds good to me.)
- The Office (I've been keeping up with this on Wikipedia, but Steve Carell just isn't the same in text form...)
- I'm sure there were more, but I can't remember. Making that panda picture made me lose my train of thought.
Rejected alt-text for that panda picture:
- The panda's saying, 'Why do you hate me, God?'
- I refrained from putting tears in the panda's eyes because then I would have started crying.
- I'm going to Hell for this picture.
- Ben Stiller knows how I feel.
- Their blood is actually made of candy!
- Somewhere, someone took that picture specifically so I could Photoshop it like this. I mean, c'mon!
aside from the fact that our parents are not going to be in florida. prvidence and boston are a neglible distances away from florida.
also a negligible distance from the moon
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